Sunday, December 30, 2007

I am still alive. It has been awhile since I posted anything. We had a fantastic visit from Santa just before Christmas. Please see the photos (if I can remember how to post photos). Santa is now well-adjusted. My husband is a chiropractic neurologist and has an amazing clinic, Santa Rosa Chiropractic Neurology Center. We also own and operate the Sonoma County Learning Enhancement Center for children with learning challenges such as ADD and ADHD. We are having amazing results. It has changed one of our daughters lives in the most unexpected ways.

I am currently working on an article about Sunday Stations. I got a brilliant idea from my friend Rachael about making the Sabbath day more meaningful and fun for our children. I will give you more details soon.

Have a very abundant new year. You are each amazing in your own way and you offer so much to the world.

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